Hi all,
I have a very simple data model but I can't get my head around the association part...
I have simplified:
- KEY (foreign key to ENTITY_1)
I created the association between ENTITY_1 and ENTITY_2 as following:
Name: "Get_my_Entity_1"
Principal Entity: ENTITY_1
Prinicpal Card.: 1
Dependent Entity: ENTITY_2
Dependent Card.: 1
Referential Constraints: ENTITY_1-KEY = ENTITY_2-KEY
as well as...
Name: "All_my_Entity_2s"
Principal Entity: ENTITY_1
Prinicpal Card.: 1
Dependent Entity: ENTITY_2
Dependent Card.: M
Referential Constraints: ENTITY_1-KEY = ENTITY_2-KEY
I added the navigations properties accordingly: ENTITY_1 received "All_my_Entity_2s" and ENTITY_2 "Get_my_Entity_1".
Now doing some GET options:
Gives me my ENTITY_1 with KEY = 1 and the corresponding description. Nice.
Gives me back a collection of ENTITY_2. Nice.
BUT the other way around won't work.
Gives me my ENTITY_2 with SOME_OTHER_KEY_FIELD = 'X' and also it fills KEY = 1. Nice.
This doesn't work.
In the debbuger, I get to the "GET_ENTITY" method of ENTITY_1 but the only key fields that are filled in are the ones from ENTITY_2. o.O
Now how should that help to navigate?
Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug?
Thanks for any input.