Hi Experts,
I have got a requirement to update multiple Sales Order Items in one operation.
I know that many experts would recommend to use $batch.
Even I would have preferred $batch approach but in the AS-IS SAP world we usually use a BAPI (to ensure data consistency and data integrity) to update a Sales Order and we may have to pass header as well as item data in case we want to update a Sales Order.
Whereas, as per OData specifications, the updates should happen for Sales Order Item entity using the Keys - Sales Order No. and Item No. But in the AS-IS SAP world we do not update tables but we invoke BAPIs to update a data object (In our case, SalesOrder).
Could anyone please advise me with a way to bridge the gap.
Also, technically, the deep insert feature could be used for meeting this requirement. Could you please provide your views on this workaround.
P.S. I have gone through the following discussion about the update deep entity.
Where is "update_deep_entity"?
but this doesnt seem to provide required analysis of work arounds and doesnt discuss about bridging the gap between the AS-IS SAP world of BAPIs and Odata specifications.