Hi guys,
I have a system running SAP NETWEAVER 7.4.
Attached is screenshot of support package levels.
I noted when trying to install the components for NW UI Extensions v1.0 that it points me to note 1666368.
This only addresses up and to Netweaver 7.31 and in note 1666367 it states the following:
Note that when you upgrade to SAP NW 7.40, the SAP NW UI add-on software component is merged with the SAP UI; you then have to update the SAP_UI software component if want to use the newest functions.
SAP_UI 740 0012 SAPK-74012INSAPUI User Interface Technology 7.40
With SAP_UI already update how do I generate the stack file for the NW UI Extensions v1.0 including e.g. UI_INFRA100, UI2_SRVC100, UISAPUI5100 etc??
Kind Regards,