Hi, All.
I try to send PUT request from my SAPUI5 app but I got error 403 "CSRF token validation failed". I had did it from Rest client, and it's work correctly.
I have find my problem: if I send request from my SAPUI5 app, then in GET request i have SECURITY_CONTEXT_ID(table SECURITY_CONTEXT-LINK) and in PUT request I have different security_context_id. CSRF token calculated by class CL_HTTP_SERVER_NET->IF_HTTP_SERVER~VALIDATE_XSRF_TOKEN() using value of security context.
* Try to retrieve the XSRF token from the Security Context (if exists)
lv_security_context = cl_http_security_session_admin=>get_current_session_context( ).
CATCH cx_http_security_session_admin .
IF lv_security_context-xsrf_token IS NOT INITIAL.
* Compare received token with token found in the Security Context
successful = boolc( lv_security_context-xsrf_token = lv_xsrf_token ). "In my case values are different
RETURN. "that's all
If I send requests drom REST client, they have same value of SECURITY_CONTEXT_ID.
What I can do with this?