i created and implemented a FunctionImport that has an import parameter of Type Edm.DateTime. How to test this FunctionImport using the Gateway Client Transaction?
i tried to pass the value using the following options:
1.) ...&KeyDate='2015-05-12T00:00:00'
2.) ...&KeyDate=\/Date(1431416788000)\/
3.) ...&KeyDate=datetime'2015-05-12T00:00:00'
4.) ...&KeyDate=/Date(1431416788000)/
5.) ...&KeyDate=\Date(1431416788000)
6.) ...&KeyDate=2015-05-12T00:00:00
but nothing worked.
GW client alway reports the following error:
Malformed URI literal syntax
how can i pass a date to the respective import parameter using gw client in a proper way??