My requirement is to pass some item data to web service & then i use FM to create a Item id for each item passed. So, if i have passed 10 items in input, 10 item ids will be created.
in SEGW model, i have created a entity type ENT1 that has fields Item id & item name ( This is the info i want WS to return in response). Other entity type ENT2 has item data information or fields that i want to input to web service. Then i created a navigation from ENT1 to ENT2 with cardinality as M:N.
So, now if i pass 10 Items info in input, i should get back in response 10 item ids with their name. I hope my requirement is clear.
Then, i have used method CREATE_DEEP_ENTITY to create items & then i have all the items created & their name in an internal table. Then i use below method to send this table in response:
is_data = lt_created_items
cr_data = er_deep_entity
My issue is that i don't see any item in response if i pass here a table in IS_data but if i pass a work area, then thats returned in response.
What could be the reason & how can i solve this?
Gaurav K