Hello GW experts,
we have defined a Function Import "CreatePOWithReference" with a parameter "Reference" which contains a string with information about a reference document which shall be used to create a new Purchase Order (PO):
Now I would like to pass not only a single reference but multiple reference all of the same type "Reference".
I tried calling the function import with two references like this:
But in method "/IWBEP/IF_MGW_APPL_SRV_RUNTIME~EXECUTE_ACTION" my parameter table "IT_PARAMETER" only contains 1 single record:
How can I achieve that the table "IT_PARAMETER" contains two records (Reference='123' and Reference='456')?
Thanks and best regards,
PS: As there can be any number of references, it is not an option to create several parameters "Reference1", "Reference2", "Reference3" and so on... .