Hello experts,
I'm trying to make my get_entity_set methode for a condition type:
DATA itab_cond_type TYPE TABLE OF zstruc_cond_type.
DATA wa_cond_type type zstruc_cond_type.
CALL METHOD class->GET_COND_TYPE IMPORTING ex_cond_type = itab_cond_type
DATA: ls_entityset LIKE LINE OF et_entityset.
LOOP AT itab_cond_type INTO wa_cond_type.
ls_entityset-KSCHL = wa_cond_type-KSCHL.
ls_entityset-class = wa_cond_type-VTEXT.
APPEND ls_entityset TO et_entityset.
I get an error at the import. => "itab_cond_type" is not type-compatible with the
formal parameterr "ex_cond_type".
Even though they are both from the same type ... (type table of zstruc_cond_type).
When i change 'DATA itab_cond_type TYPE TABLE OF zstruc_cond_type' to 'DATA itab_cond_type TYPE zstruc_cond_type'
i get an error at the loop at because it is no longer an iternal table and i cannot append my data to et_entityset...
Any ideas of what it is i'm doing wrong here?
Kind regards,