On June the 25th my colleague Jens Himmelrath and I conducted a SAP CodeJam event about SAP Gateway and SAPUI5. The event was organized and hosted by our partner Lynx at their subsidary in Bielefeld.
The idea of this event was to show what's needed in order to develop Fiori like applications by explaining both SAPUI5 development as well as OData service development using SAP Gateway end to end.
First I was a little bit unsure about the location because of the Bielefeld Conspiracy that claims that Bielefeld does not actually exist.
So we were curious of what to find ...
After having conducted the event I can now confirm that Bielefeld does really exist since I have been there ...
However some of you will now think that I belong to THEM that have conspired to create the illusion of the city’s existence ...
As a proof you can see the room that was packed with 37 participants from 18 different customers and partners.
We started at 10 AM after a warm welcome of the managing director of Lynx with short presentations where we gave an introduction to SAPUI5 and SAP Gateway. We had lots of interesting discussions and got also interesting questions that we took back to our development teams.
At noon there was time to get some food so that everybody could continue until the end of the event at 4 PM.
We are looking forward to run similar events elsewhere.
So if you are interested please let my colleagues from the SAP CodeJam team and me know.
How to run such an event has been described in this document How to host an SAP CodeJam.
Best Regards,