Dear Experts,
I am trying to download a file using ECC as a source system via SAP Netweaver gateway OData service. I created a Entity type and marked as "Media = X' in service builder. But when i tried to redefine the method method using below code snippet
method DEFINE.
DATA: lo_entity_type TYPE REF TO /iwbep/if_mgw_odata_entity_
lo_property TYPE REF TO /iwbep/if_mgw_odata_property.
super->define( ).
lo_entity_type = model->get_entity_type( 'Product' ).
lo_entity_type->set_is_media( ).
lo_property = lo_entity_type->get_property( 'PictureURI' ).
lo_property->set_as_content_source( ).
lo_property = lo_entity_type->get_
property( 'PictureMIMEType' ).
lo_property->set_as_content_type( ).
Upon syntax check i am getting error as "set_as_content_source is unknown or protected" because i couldn't find above highlighted methods in the class "/IWBEP/IF_MGW_ODATA_PROPERTY"(SP5). However i could find the above methods in SAP NW Gateway demo system(SP6).
Should i have to update Gateway service pack level? Is this the only option?
Any ideas is appreciated.
Please suggest.