First. In my company we are getting a lot exception messages type 4. that are just not adding value, somebody know how to turn off those messages? Or do you consider that is important to keep it on?
4 1 Newly created order proposal
42 Order proposal has been changed
44 Order Proposal re-exploted
46 Order Proposal has been manually changed
61 Scheduling: Custominzing inconsistent
62 Scheduling: Master data inconsistent
80 Reference to retail promotion
82 Item is blocked
Second. Which are the messages that can impact directly our inventory levels, services, etc. in your own experiences , what are the most important exception messages that we need to put attention?
Third. We are looking that if we change out MRP Type = Z4 instead of PD we are getting less exception message 6
25 Excess Stock
26 Excess individual segment
40 Coverage not provided by master plan
56 Shortage in the planning fence
57 Disc. matl partly replaced by follow up
58 Uncovered reqmt after effective-out date
59 Receipt after effective - out date
70 Max. release qty - quota exceeded
96 Stock fallen below safety stock level
but we are getting more exception messages 7
10 Reschedule in
15 Reschedule out
20 Cncel process
30 Plan process according to shcedule
So what do you think is the best MRP type to use to ensure that we have a healthy inventory, and everything under control
Well as you can see I dont have a lot experience in SAP but I hope that all of you can help, meanwhile
Thank you in advance