Hello Experts ,
I ran into an issue while generating Runtime Objects for a project in SEGW and getting Runtime Dump soon after mapping the data source to GetEntity and GetEntityset methods . I Created a Data Model for an RFC and it is having the code as below. Log file attached with this discussion .
Could you please suggest a solution for the problem occured.
Function Module Code:
DATA : im_date TYPE p0001-begda,
it_status TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF zso_msg ,
wa_status TYPE zso_msg,
w_output TYPE zso_msg,
t_date TYPE dats,
g_date TYPE dats,
days(2) TYPE c,
month(2) TYPE c,
year(4) TYPE c,
date_p(10) TYPE c, "Past Date
date_c(10) TYPE c. "Current Date
im_date = sy-datum.
date = im_date "SY-DATUM
days = im_days
months = '0'
signum = '-'
years = '0'
calc_date = t_date. "Past History Date
RANGES : s_date FOR g_date .
s_date-low = t_date ."date_p .
s_date-high = im_date ."date_c.
s_date-sign = 'I' .
s_date-option = 'EQ'.
APPEND s_date .
SELECT mandt "Client
functioncall "Type of Posting
customer "Customer Number
po_num_cust "Customer purchase order number
salesorder_num "Sales and Distribution Document Number
date_c "Field of type Dats
FROM zso_msg
INTO TABLE it_status
WHERE customer = customer
AND date_c BETWEEN s_date-low AND s_date-high .
Appreciate your help.