I'm trying to configure workflow consumption but I'm facing some issue. Can anyone guide me through the basic steps?
Our setup is a gateway hub installed on a seperate system and then we have iw_bep on our business systems where we develop our services.
In the first instance I'm trying to do the simplest setup possible (I don't need push notification for now etc.)
What I have done is:
1. Activated /iwwrk/WFSERVICE through our Hub with system alias of our backend system
2. Gone to SAP NetWeaver -> Gateway Service Enablement -> Content -> Workflow Settings -> Task Provider Customizing and added this row
these settings were already there:
I haven't configured anything regarding notifications, push, bgRfc - please let me know if any of this is mandatory for simplest consumption.
The service seems to run just fine when I test it. But when I navigate to WorkflowTaskCollection the xml also loads fine but there are no items in the list even though I should have some workflows in the system. I've tried placing breakpoints in AdapterClass /IWWRK/CL_GWL_BWF_PROV_ADAP but these don't get invoked.
Can anyone tell me what I'm missing or doing wrong?
I've had inspiration from these sources:
How To...Expose SAP Business Workflow with SAP NetWeaver Gateway - Dialog Activities
Br Jan