My scenario is like this. I m using 2 backends ECC and CRM wherein ECC is my default system.
my mapping is like in image mimage1
Refer image mimage2
1st scenaro. :- ECC RFC with input parameter and input parameter mapped in the NW Model.
When I normally execute my query from ecc which is like this.
/sap/opu/odata/sap/ZEC2_DEMO_MOC_SRV/ecc?$filter=Region eq 'Africa'
Both case working properly.
refer image mimage3.
CRM :- When I am trying doing RFC mapping in the NW model
1) CRM RFC without input parameter mapped in the NW model for CRM
/sap/opu/odata/sap/ZEC2_DEMO_MOC_SRV;mo/crm?$filter=SAP__Origin eq 'CR1_100' .
is working and i m getting output . In this scenario i hav not mapped rfc input parameter. refer image mimage3.
refer image mimage4.
2) CRM RFC with input parameter and these input parameter mapped in the NW Model.
/sap/opu/odata/sap/ZEC2_DEMO_MOC_SRV;mo/crm?$filter=SAP__Origin eq 'CR1_100' . ( Not working )
/sap/opu/odata/sap/ZEC2_DEMO_MOC_SRV;mo/crm?$filter=SAP__Origin eq 'CR1_100' and Name eq 'Manjeet' ( Not working )
Means in simple when my second backend system CRM which is not default in the Model that time for multiple origin composition ( mo )
with input parameter I am not able to fetch data from backend system ( CRM ) option 2.
kindly correct me if im wrong. is it like when u use mo you cannot use import parameters to filter results. kindly reply as soon as possible.