Unlock your data with OData
Businesses have valuable data and they want to make that data available to other bodies.
However these data is often locked away based on criteria basis and applications, data can be made available to a few of services.
Now for that raises a whole new set of questions...
Should we use SOAP?
Should we follow Rest services?
Or should it be a custom service?
Its important to pick the right way to share this data. Because we have to find how widely available the data is.
The data should be easily accessible to both information workers and developers.
The Odata or Open data protocol is a web protocol for querying and updating data.
Odata makes it simple to interact with data from a variety of applications and programming languages.
Odata is built on http to ensure broad reach and sense data using ATOM or JSON
All of them of which are widely accepted web standards.
Odata also supports a very advanced query language that enables filtering and ordering data based on any criteria,navigating through relations,client side paging and much more.Odata also supports advanced features like asynchronous queries and requesting just the changes since the last query.These features streamline the use of queries over large datasets.
The Protocol also supports publishers to tag and enable data with domain specific vocabularies.
Odata unlocks data and makes it easy to consume by both information workers and developers.
The value that odata puts on standardizations and query building makes it an ideal solution in exposing data.
Odata was created to provide simple,standardized way to interact with data on the web from any platform or device.
Thank you.....