Hello all,
We are trying to do a batch from Ui5, for few entries in create method of a entity set. Its not a deep insert. the payload is set correctly from front end. . when we fire the query from Ui5, we get a header saying 202 accepted, and in the response body - we get 201 created.
var r1 = oModel.createBatchOperation("ResponseSet", "POST", oEntry ); var r2 = oModel.createBatchOperation("ResponseSet", "POST", oEntry1); var batchChanges = [r1, r2]; oModel.addBatchChangeOperations(batchChanges); oModel.submitBatch();
However on the gateway side, we are not receving the data. On the Changeset Begin method, there is not data in the Operation structure, and in the next method - process change also does not receive the payload data.
The tables it_operation_info & it_changeset_request are not populating from frontend.
I am sure that the payload is set correctly from front end, else it will give a xml parse error.
Any pointers would be helpful.