Hi everybody,
I created an odata extension ( GRC_ACCESSREQUEST_TRACK service). I added 2 new fields into Requests Entity but Gateway gave me /IWCOR/CX_DS_URI_NOT_MATCHING Error ( Resource not found for the segment 'RequestRoles' ) when I ran this URI: "Requests('ACCREQ%2F0050569D14DE1ED687B76B1C47F2A0CC')?$expand=RequestRoles%2cReqCustomFields" . I tried to clear caches and to recreate odata extension and gateway worked.
Now, I have added 2 new fields into RequestRole Entity but I have the same problem! Gateway give me error when I ran this URI: "Requests('ACCREQ%2F0050569D14DE1ED685B8217C741BA0CC')/CustomFields?$skip=0&$top=10&$inlinecount=allpages".
I'm trying to clear cache also this time but Gateway doesn't work.
Any idea?