Hi All, I was going through this post - A simple overview on SAP Netweaver Gateway
Post says -
SAP NetWeaver Gateway is not designed to be a channel for the type of transactional applications used by Power Users, neither is it designed to replace existing middleware like SAP NetWeaver PI. In addition to this, SAP NetWeaver Gateway applications are not designed to target A2A or B2B scenarios. Instead, SAP NetWeaver Gateway is the door through which the mass consumption of SAP business data and functionality is made possible. The target audience for SAP NetWeaver Gateway applications is a group known as Occasional Platform Users (OPU). These are people who need ad hoc access to SAP data and functionality in an easy-to-consume manner.
Why Gateway cannot be used for transactional type of interface developments? Is there architecture constraints that we should be aware of ?
Ranjeet Singh