Dear Gurus,
I successfully implemented an SEGW project with SAP Annotations already, which is working properly and managing attachments. Now I want to do the same within a project of Vocabulary-based annotations.
I got the error: 415 (Unsupported Media Type). This is due I do not know, how-to configure the entity and its properties in SEGW to set this entity as Media Type, I feel myself a bit lost.
What I already did, is that redefined the DEFINE method of Model Provider to set up the Property holding the Content Type:
METHOD define. super->define( ). DATA(lo_entity_type) = model->get_entity_type( iv_entity_name = gc_attachment ). IF lo_entity_type IS BOUND. lo_entity_type->get_property( iv_property_name = 'MimeType' )->set_as_content_type( ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD.
set MediaType for the MimeType property
set allowed file extensions
and set MediaResource configuration, but unsuccessfully:
I wiped the cache and got the same issue time to time in the standard, when processing a newly created entities. The processing in the gateway is dependent of the following statement: lo_entity_type->has_stream( ), which is always false, and therefore the entity is evaluated not as a Media, and the exception 415 (Unsupported Media Type) is raised by the GateWay. Our release is GW 740sp11.
Any advise is welcome
Thank you