I have a Gateway service setup to receive a photo (as Base64), the service field is typed as Edm.String, the subsequent FM that gets called has an field typed as String as well.
I am pretty sure the Base64 is coming across ok (took the base64 from the request and stuck it in a online converter), what I am trying to do is create a Document based on this jpg.
After some research it seems I am supposed to use:
I am attempting to create this jpg on the server then create the Document from that using
I think the issue is coming after SCMS_XSTRING_TO_BINARY when I am transferring the itab to the dataset.
My code runs successfully, the Document is created and the jpg shows up as part of the Document (confirmed in CV03N), but when I try and open the jpg, I just get the message 'Failed to open document"
Looking for any thoughts or ideas.