Hi all,
we're trying to insert a record into Products and receive the following error:
- SEPM_BOR_MESSAGES/001 - EPM problem: persisting THE product DATA has FAILED.
- Error-Detail: /IWBEP/CX_EPM_BUSI_EXCEPTION - EPM problem: persisting THE product DATA has FAILED
Does anyone know what that means?!?!
This is the request we're sending:
POST https://sapes4.sapdevcenter.com/sap/opu/odata/IWBEP/GWDEMO/ProductCollection HTTP/1.1
Cookie: SAP_SESSIONID_ES4_800=<SessionId>;
X-CSRF-Token: <Csrf-Token>
Content-Type: application/json
Host: sapes4.sapdevcenter.com
Content-Length: 634
Expect: 100-continue
"ProductName": "Internet Keyboard",
"ChangedAt": "2016-03-07T21:30:00",
"TaxTariffText": "Regular VAT",
"ProductID": "MW-1000",
"DimensionUnit": "CMT",
"WeightUnitText": "Kilogram",
"UnitPrice": "1600",
"ProductKey": "005056A216B81EE5B996868F8876AC2F",
"WeightMeasure": "0",
"ProductWidth": "52000",
"DimensionUnitText": "Centimeter",
"SupplierID": "0100000029",
"ProductDescription": "Corded Keyboard with special keys for Internet Usability, USB",
"ProductCategory": "Keyboards",
"TaxTariffCode": 1,
"QuantityUnit": null,
"ProductTypeCode": "PR",
"SupplierName": "C.R.T.U."