Hi all,
I was able to connect to the former SAP NetWeaver demo system (https://sapes1.sapdevcenter.com/sap/opu/odata/IWFND/RMTSAMPLEFLIGHT/) and read/write data from/to TravelAgencies via OData. I included the csrf token as required and everything worked fine.
Now I'm trying to do exactly the same with the new demo system (https://sapes4.sapdevcenter.com/sap/opu/odata/IWFND/RMTSAMPLEFLIGHT/). Reading works fine, but when trying to update a record, I receive an error: "CSRF token validation failed".
I checked my requests in Fiddler and I'm definitely sending the CSRF token, I received in response to my CSRF-fetch request, with every modifying request.
So nothing changed in my OData test environment, but with the new environment I receive an error on modifying requests.
I also tried to write to the ProductSet of https://sapes4.sapdevcenter.com/sap/opu/odata/IWBEP/GWSAMPLE_BASIC, but received the same error.
Any ideas what I have to change to successfully do update-tests against the new demo system?
Thanks and kind regards
P.S.: The documentation is somehow irritating as it states at the top "The Demo Consumption System is a read-only system.", but for the "GWSAMPLE_BASIC" service it mentions support for "CRUDQ operations for the entity types BusinessPartner, Contact, Product, SalesOrder, SalesOrderLineItem".
So maybe updates are not supported at all in the new demo Environment?