Hello all,
I have problem with GET_ENTITY Method. When I wrote code on ABAP for my method GET_ENTITYSET there is no problem I can get data for my entityset but for single entity I failed.
I wrote this code on GET_ENTITY method :
DATA : lt_proj TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF proj, ls_proj TYPE proj, ls_key_tab TYPE /iwbep/s_mgw_name_value_pair, lv_pspid TYPE proj-pspid. READ TABLE it_key_tab WITH KEY name = 'PspID' INTO ls_key_tab. lv_pspid = ls_key_tab-value. SELECT SINGLE * FROM proj INTO ls_proj WHERE pspid = lv_pspid. MOVE-CORRESPONDING ls_proj TO er_entity.
But I have an error like this:
<message>Resource not found for segment 'PROJE'</message>
Could you please help me for get data for GET_ENTITY method.
Thank you,