Recently i got a very interesting requirement from management team to do a POC based on the Gateway statistics to address the following business questions.
- What are the Top 10 apps accessed within a certain period ?
- Who are the top 10 users within a certain period?
- Which hour of the day do the most users access ?
- Which week day of the week do the most users access?
- What are the most search criteria for all the services ?
- According to the functions defined in the app, we could also know that how many times of the business functions are executed?
- What are the average response time and maximum payload of the http requests?
i did some research on this topic and would like to share it within this community.
step 1: The Gateway performance statistics are stored in tables /iwfnd/i_med_srh and /wfnd/i_med_srt, which could be accessed via tcode/iwfnd/maint_service
The Gateway performance statistics are stored in table /iwfnd/su_stats , which could be accessed via tcode/iwfnd/stats
step 2 CDS View Building
CDS View 1:
@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'V_CDS_SERV'
define view /nsl/cdsv_gw_service
( service_name, service_description )
as select from /iwfnd/i_med_srh as srh
association[0..1] to /iwfnd/i_med_srt as srt
on srh.srv_identifier = srt.srv_identifier and
srh.is_active = srt.is_active
srt.language = 'E' and
srt.is_active = 'A'
CDS View 2
@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'V_CDS_STATS'
define view cdsv_stats_basic
( namespace, service_name, userid, timestampl, service_description, operation, entity_type, expand_string, request_address )
as select from /iwfnd/su_stats as stats
association[1..1] to v_cds_serv as service on
stats.service_name = service.service_name
( stats.namespace = '/SAP/' )
Step 3: ABAP Managed Database Procedure
Create a structure - Overview
AMDP Class Defination:
AMDP Snippet |
class /XXX/cl_gw_su_stats definition public final create public .
public section. interfaces: if_amdp_marker_hdb. methods: get_su_stats_total importing value(iv_client) type symandt value(iv_start_time) type timestampl value(iv_end_time) type timestampl exporting value(ev_user_num) type /XXX/gw_su_basics_s-user_num value(ev_apps_num) type /XXX/gw_su_basics_s-apps_num value(ev_apps_per_user) type /XXX/gw_su_basics_s-apps_per_user value(ev_top_user) type /XXX/gw_su_basics_s-top_user value(ev_top_app) type /XXX/gw_su_basics_s-top_app value(ev_hot_hour) type /XXX/gw_su_basics_s-hot_hour value(ev_hot_day) type /XXX/gw_su_basics_s-hot_day. protected section. private section. endclass. |
method get_su_stats_total by database procedure for hdb language sqlscript options read-only using /XXX/v_cds_stats. DECLARE v_servicename INT; DECLARE v_user INT; /* get the total number users */ select count(distinct userid) into ev_user_num from "/XXX/V_CDS_STATS" where MANDT = :iv_client and timestampl between :iv_start_time and :iv_end_time ;
/* get the total number services */ select count(distinct service_name) into ev_apps_num from "/NSL/V_CDS_STATS" where MANDT = :iv_client and timestampl between :iv_start_time and :iv_end_time ;
/* get the apps per user */ * ev_apps_per_user = ev_apps_num / ev_user_num ; /* get the top user name */ select top 1 userid, count (service_name ) as service_name into ev_top_user, v_servicename from "/XXX/V_CDS_STATS" where MANDT = :iv_client and timestampl between :iv_start_time and :iv_end_time group by userid order by service_name desc ;
/* get the top app name */ select top 1 service_name, count(userid) as userid into ev_top_app, v_user from "/XXX/V_CDS_STATS" where MANDT = :iv_client and timestampl between :iv_start_time and :iv_end_time group by service_name order by userid desc ;
/* which the day of the week do the agents log in the most */
select top 1 to_char( utctolocal(to_timestamp (timestampl),'UTC+8'),'DAY')as Date, count(userid) as userid into ev_hot_day, v_user from "/XXX/V_CDS_STATS" where MANDT = :iv_client and timestampl between :iv_start_time and :iv_end_time group by to_char( utctolocal(to_timestamp (timestampl),'UTC+8'),'DAY') order by userid desc;
/* which Hour of the day do the agents log in the most*/ select top 1 hour( to_time( utctolocal(to_timestamp(timestampl),'UTC+8')))as Hour, count(userid) as userid into ev_hot_hour, v_user from "/XXX/V_CDS_STATS" where MANDT = :iv_client and timestampl between :iv_start_time and :iv_end_time group by hour( to_time( utctolocal(to_timestamp(timestampl),'UTC+8'))) order by userid desc; endmethod. |
Gateway service snippet |
data: ls_entity like line of et_entityset.
loop at it_filter_select_options into data(ls_filter_select_option). case ls_filter_select_option-property. when 'SelectionDate'. loop at ls_filter_select_option-select_options into data(ls_select_option). if ls_select_option-low is initial. lv_start_time_feeder = sy-datum. else. lv_start_time_feeder = ls_select_option-low. endif.
if ls_select_option-high is initial. lv_end_time_feeder = sy-datum. else. lv_end_time_feeder = ls_select_option-high. endif. endloop. when others. raise exception type /iwbep/cx_mgw_busi_exception exporting textid = /iwbep/cx_mgw_busi_exception=>filter_not_supported. endcase. endloop.
if sy-subrc <> 0. raise exception type /iwbep/cx_mgw_busi_exception exporting textid = /iwbep/cx_mgw_busi_exception=>business_error_unlimited message_unlimited = |Filter is required|. endif.
convert date lv_start_time_feeder time sy-uzeit into time stamp lv_start_time time zone sy-zonlo . convert date lv_end_time_feeder time sy-uzeit into time stamp lv_end_time time zone sy-zonlo.
data(lo_overview) = new /nsl/cl_gw_su_stats( ). try. lo_overview->get_su_stats_total( exporting iv_client = sy-mandt iv_start_time = lv_start_time iv_end_time = lv_end_time importing ev_user_num = ls_entity-user_num ev_apps_num = ls_entity-apps_num ev_apps_per_user = ls_entity-apps_per_user ev_top_user = ls_entity-top_user ev_top_app = ls_entity-top_app ev_hot_day = ls_entity-hot_day ev_hot_hour = ls_entity-hot_hour ).
catch cx_amdp_execution_failed into data(lv_error). endtry. append ls_entity to et_entityset. |
last step to test the service in GW client