Performance Trace Analysis
Performance trace analysis is a function used to display ODATA service call information.
Standard active trace is valid for two hours and hence records the information of all ODATA calls made within two hours from the activation of the trace.
All service calls listed contains information like triggering date and time of call, expiry date and the status.
The status given by green traffic light resembles successful execution of the ODATA call and red light on the contrary resembles error with the execution of ODATA call.
1. Go to Tcode /IWFND/TRACES ,access SAP Netweaver Gateway-Tracing Tools and set Performance Trace 'Active' and Payload Trace 'Active' in the Configuration tab.
Alternatively, it can be accessed SAP Netweaver Client as below,
Goto -> Trace Tools,
2. Go to Tcode /IWFND/GW_CLIENT and execute a url as,
3. Revisit Tcode /IWFND/TRACES and check the Tab Performance Trace as,
Double click the selected service call and generate the Performance Trace summary as below,
Click on Tab Trace Details and generate the detailed view as,
4. Similar approach for Payload Trace Analysis,