Dear experts,
I am exploring Gateway service possiblities by trying to implement an oData service based on RFC. I have choosen a BAPI from R/3 Time Management which isBAPI_EMPATTABS_GETLIST.
That standard BAPI provides time details according to given import parameters (FROM_DATE and TO_DATE) as shown :
I have successfully gone through those steps :
- 1 - Create a project
- 2 - Import data model from RFC BAPI_EMPATTABS_GETLIST
- 3 - Select data source parameters :
Question #1 : is this the correct way to proceed to select both HRTIMESREC_LIST[] and import parameters FROM_DATE and TO_DATE?
Question #2 : what if I would like to use the SEL_EMPLOYEE[] range parameters as well? It seems to create an extra Entity type...
- 4 - Set DOCUMENTNUMER as key :
- 6 - Define the mapping setting FROM_DATE and TO_DATE as INPUT parameters:
Question #3 : do those parameters allow me to make a ....?filter$fromdate='20151010' post on the base service URL?
- 7 - Generating gives no error : so far so good!
- 8 - Testing with Gateway client gives no result
Any advice?