Hi experts,
I have a problem when creating deep entity for my service.
I have 2 entity Types :
* Dealer
* Bank
I have 2 entity Sets :
* Dealers
* Banks
The relationships of (Dealer : Bank) is 1 : N
by calling the following method
call method io_data_provider->read_entry_data( importing es_data = ls_data ).
then I execute 'POST' from gateway client
with XML request that has 1 Dealer and 2 banks data.
and I got the error message 'Method 'DEALERS_CREATE_ENTITY' not implemented in data provider class'
the thing that I do not understand - how the system will know to call 'Deep Entity' method instead of 'Create Entity' ?
do I need to implement 'Create Entity' method in this case ?
Really appreciate your help !!
Please let me know if you need more information from me.