I am trying to implement mass creation of so order in gateway.
can you anyone provide me some snippets code on this?
I have defined in model
lo_action = model->create_action( 'CONFIRM' ).
lo_action->set_return_entity_set( 'SOHdr' ).
lo_action->set_http_method( 'POST' ).
lo_action->set_return_multiplicity( '1'). " what should we put here ??
lo_parameter = lo_action->create_input_parameter( iv_parameter_name = 'WiId'
iv_abap_fieldname = 'WI_ID' ).
lo_parameter->/IWBEP/IF_MGW_ODATA_PROPERTY~set_type_edm_string( ). "What should we put here ?
can we define the type of parameter as a range of a table?
Thank you.