We are trying to use a complex type as the return type for a function import with cardinality 0..n. If the complex type is referenced to an ABAP structure, we dont get back any values. If i remove the ABAP structure reference, we get the correct output with multiple rows.
Is this a known bug or we are doing something wrong?
While debugging the framework code, came across a section which checks for "conversions" and if this is true, treats the complex type as a structure, ignoring the cardinality.
IF lo_complex_type->get_no_conversion( ) = abap_false.
ASSIGN cr_data->* TO <ls_source_structure>.
lo_struct_descr ?= lo_complex_type->create_data_descriptor( ).
CREATE DATA lr_target_struct TYPE HANDLE lo_struct_descr.
ASSIGN lr_target_struct->* TO <ls_target_structure>.
io_complex_type = lo_complex_type
is_source_structure = <ls_source_structure>
cs_target_structure = <ls_target_structure>
cr_data = lr_target_struct.
This code isnt executed if its a complex type without ABAP structure.
Gateway: IW_BEP SP8