Hello all experts,
Recently i have finished an EHP 5 to EHP7 upgrade and we decided to run SAP Fiori APPs FOR CLIENT, i started to config GW client based on SAP Configuration Guide, then we faced an strange issue in maintaining Service, when i add "/UI2/INTEROP" service, program terminate happens!
We started to re-configure the system till we found other services from /ui2/ are fine and the problem is only happen when we try to add INTEROP service.
Then we started to run this program in debug mode and we found when we try to add this service, an infinite loop happens, that makes this program (/IWBEP/CL_MGW_MED_DBA_ACCESS==CP) crash.
i found whole SAP market to find any note or patch but seems like this is an unique error.
any idea about this problem ?
Indeed there is no error in /IWFND/ERROR_LOG.
SAP_BASIS | 740 | 0007 | SAPKB74007 | SAP Basis Component |
SAP_ABA | 740 | 0007 | SAPKA74007 | Cross-Application Component |
SAP_GWFND | 740 | 0010 | SAPK-74010INSAPGWFND | SAP Gateway Foundation 7.40 |
SAP_UI | 740 | 0010 | SAPK-74010INSAPUI | User Interface Technology 7.40 |
CTS_PLUG | 200 | 0013 | SAPK-20013INCTSPLUG | SAP CTS Plugin |
PI_BASIS | 740 | 0007 | SAPK-74007INPIBASIS | Basis Plug-In |
ST-PI | 2008_1_700 | 0010 | SAPKITLRDJ | SAP Solution Tools Plug-In |
BI_CONT | 757 | 0001 | SAPK-75701INBICONT | Business Intelligence Content |
SAP_BW | 740 | 0007 | SAPKW74007 | SAP Business Warehouse |
SUPDOE | 731 | 0000 | - | Sybase Unwired Platform - Data Orchestration Engine |
IW_FNDGC | 100 | 0004 | SAPK-10004INIWFNDGC | SAP IW FNDGC 100 |
IW_GIL | 100 | 0005 | SAPK-10005INIWGIL | Generic Interaction Layer |
IW_PGW | 100 | 0006 | SAPK-10006INIWPGW | Process Gateway |
IW_SPI | 100 | 0005 | SAPK-10005INIWSPI | Service Provider Infrastructure |