Hi all,
We are trying to create an Odata service for Document Number search help.The search help should show (Controlling Area, Document No,Posting date,Document date).The user should pass the Controlling area as a mandatory field to get the search help.
There is no elementary serach help at data element level. So we followed two approaches :
1) Create a CDS view . Call the Get Entity Set method to AMDP which queries from CDS view.
2) Create a Custom Search Help.Import this Search Help in SEGW .
*Now we can have multiple controlling areas as input.
We need to find URI so that we can test our service. For example we tried below :
/sap/opu/odata/SAP/ZCASE_TEST_SRV/Ztest1Set (works fine).
When the user gives Controlling Area :
/sap/opu/odata/SAP/ZCASE_TEST_SRV/Ztest1Set(KOKRS='US00') (No Result , BAd request).
Can we give other parameters as blank like below :
/sap/opu/odata/SAP/ZCASE_TEST_SRV/Ztest1Set(KOKRS='US00',BELNR='') (This also gives no result).
Can we write URI where we can give filter like :
/sap/opu/odata/SAP/ZCASE_TEST_SRV/Ztest1Set?(SIGN='I', OPTION='EQ', LOW='US00', HIGH='') ( Status 200, but no result )
Please suggest URIs so that we can test the Odata service.