I would like to make a NW GW Service for incoming invoices. I am following the guide: http://scn.sap.com/docs/DOC-5010
Unfortunately I don't get the point with some things. And maybe the questions are really confusing because of my lack of knowledge.
- In the tutorial there is a reference from BANK_CTRY to the BANK_LIST->BANK_CTRY. In the BAPI_INCOMINGINVOICE_GETLIST I cannot find a reference to INV_DOC_NO and FISC_YEAR in the root. Is this a problem?
- I want to get the Headerlist and deselect the RETURN-Attributes. Then he tells me that RETURN is mandatory and if I am sure that I would like to deselect it. Is it okay or will this be a problem?
- Is it right that I Map the invoicedocnumber of my read operation to INV_DOC_NO from the List operation?
- In step 9 of the tutorial they say that I have to make the structure flat. But when I put my itemdata with cardinality 0..n to the root... it says for good reasons that this is not possible. Do I really need to put it as a flat structure? How can I get a list of line items from the nw gw service?
- If I don't think about the things mentioned above and continue... The system says that I need a key for my ACCOUNTINGDATA. But when I want to set the key it tells me that "Action is not allowed on a delegated key".
- Do I need two services? One for the Invoce and one for the invoiceitems to keep the structure flat?
Thanks a lot. Maybe someone can bring some light into the darkness.
Greetings, Vanessa