Hello everybody,
I am not sure, if this is the right place to ask, but I have a huge problem regarding the release of one of my Gateway Projects. I jused this document to fine tune the Project: http://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/scn/go/portal/prtroot/docs/library/uuid/00eaafa3-5f63-3110-72a7-f4d8044dbaba?QuickLink=index&…
In this specific case I changed the following method: IF_SADL_GW_QUERY_CONTROL~SET_QUERY_OPTIONS
In this method I have a local table: lt_parameters TYPE if_sadl_public_types=>tt_entity_parameters and the following loop: LOOP AT me->mr_request_details->key_tab INTO DATA(ls_key).
Problem 1: A missing use access for the interface IF_SADL_PUBLIC_TYPES from the package SADL_COMMON
Problem 2: The used object is not visible for the interface /IWBEP/IF_MGW_CORE_SRV_RUNTIME from the package /IWBEP(MGW_GSR_CORE
I added the package interfaces /IWBEP/MGW, SADL_GW_RUNTIME_PUBLIC, and SWDP to the use access list of my development package.
Now I cannot find any package interfaces that contain the needed interfaces and are accessible for my development package. Does anybody have a similar problem or maybe a solution?
Thanks a lot