Is it really possible to transform your approach to data, process, user experience, and change management without business disruption? Protect existing investments and establish a road map for the future with middleware solutions from SAP that accelerate your business into real time.
Seamless middleware for the real-time enterprise
Join us at the Middleware Technology Forum in Palo Alto, California, to learn how to capitalize on the mobile, cloud, and Big Data opportunities in front of you and seamlessly integrate your infrastructure.
You’ll choose from three tracks – application development and integration, information management, and IT management – and explore the latest innovations that will help you:
Unify all your data, process, and users in one radically simplified middleware platform
Deliver accurate information to any application or user, anywhere – in the cloud, on premise, or to a mobile device
Analyze any volume or type of data - internal or external , operational or transactional, and structured or unstructured
Manage change within your lifecycle, improve testing, and reduce deployment risks
Get deeper insights with near-zero business process response time, for decisive action in the moment
Revitalize your current applications and unleash the potential of new ones with beautiful user experiences
Reduce TCO while protecting existing software investments and accelerating development
Join us on June 20, 2013, to discover how to fast-forward business insight and prepare to redefine the way you think about data.
SAP America, Inc. – Palo Alto
3410 Hillview Avenue
Palo Alto, CA 94304