I developed an oData service in a Front-end ABAP NW server gateway, the oData data provider is custom ZTABLE in the front end ABAP NW server.
If I create a table in backed NW ABAP server, will I be able to access that table from Front-end ABAP NW server in same way I am currently doing ?
{ orange color text is the custom table name }
DATA: lt_tires TYPE TABLE OF ztires,
ls_tires LIKE LINE OF lt_tires,
lt_entityset TYPE zcl_ztrucktire_mpc=>tt_tiresentity,
ls_entity TYPE zcl_ztrucktire_mpc=>ts_tiresentity.
currently I have query written in the oData CRUD methods that modify the table which is created in the Fronted ABAP server, I just use the table name to get or set the data from the service, what If the table in another Backed NW server will I be able to do the same ? also will I be able to call and access SAP tables and functions that is in backed server ?