On Tuesday, May 5, 2015 from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM (CEST) there will be a SAP CodeJam in Bielefeld which will be conducted by my colleague Matthias Osswald and me.
The topic will be the end-2-end development of a SAP Fiori like application showing the development of a simple OData service and the development of a SAPUI5 application using the SAP Web IDE.
So the event is of interest for ABAP developers as well as for frontend developers. While ABAP developers will learn how to code an OData service using SEGW they have also the chance to see how to generate a simple SAPUI5 application using SAP Web IDE.
Frontend developers will have the chance to learn more about SAP Web IDE to speed up there development of a SAPUI5 based application and will also see what is happening behind the scenes in the ABAP stack when developing an OData service to shed some light on this black box.
As always this is not a classroom training but a chance to get your hands dirty, meet people and have fun with coding.
If you are interested here is the registration page link:
Best Regard,