I developed the NW Gateway Service with Wizards in transaction 'se80', but '$filter' option does not work, I get HTTP 500 error. '$orderby' and '$top' work well. How can I implement '$filter' functionality? Has it to be separately developed in 'se80' for each attribute, that must be filterable?
I have found in Internet something like this:
"lt_filters = io_tech_request_context->get_filter( )->get_filter_select_options( ).
*-get filter for ProductID
READ TABLE lt_filters WITH TABLE KEY property = 'PRODUCT_ID' INTO ls_filter.
IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
LOOP AT ls_filter-select_options INTO ls_so.
MOVE-CORRESPONDING ls_so TO ls_product_id.
INSERT ls_product_id INTO TABLE lt_product_id.
Best Regards