Hi ,
I am having query with operation of Netwaver gateway.
I am trying to use batch operation for read operation and i get the output for the same also.
While using RFC having table type input parameter.i want to pass multiline input and get want to retrieve the output tables.
I Used below HTTP request
Content-Type: application/http
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
GET MM_PUSH_DATASet?$filter=Uname+eq+'KRISH' HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/http
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
GET MM_PUSH_DATASet?$filter=Uname+eq+'ABAP_TEST' HTTP/1.1
It works fine but after debugging i found that call to database goes twice times.So my query is that if each call goes to database .
Then it will hamper the performance of system.
Do we need to use it in any other way for Table type as input parameter.