I am using SAPUI5 and I am able to insert an Inline Data Feed when the data is formatted as XML, but face multiple issues when setting JSON to true. I believe this is not a SAPUI5 issue but a Gateway issue.
The entity i am posting has a 0:N relationship with the child entities.
The first thing i found was that i needed to have the array of child entities I am posting wrapped around a 'results' object. Not sure why SAPUI5 (Datajs) didn't do this.
{ "results": [ child1, child2 .. childn ]}
... IF lv_standalone = abap_true. json_start. read_count_and_next( EXPORTING io_reader = io_reader IMPORTING ev_inlinecount = ev_inlinecount ev_next = ev_next ). json_array gc_results. <<this line ELSE.
This appears consistent with http://www.odata.org/documentation/json-format-> 7. Representing Entries definition of OData V2
However when i manually wrap the 'results' object around the array, the parser triggers an exception way before, it is expecting an array to be associated with the navigation property not an object.
.. " 3. "NavigationPropertyName":... " Options: " 1. "nav":{ "__deferred" : " 2. "nav":[ - inline feed " 3. "nav":{ - inline entry io_reader->current_node( ). IF io_reader->name = 'array' ##NO_TEXT. " 2. "nav":[ - inline feed IF ld_nav_property->multiplicity <> /IWCOR/if_DS_edm=>gc_multiplicity_many. RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE cx_sxml_parse_error EXPORTING xml_offset = io_reader->get_byte_offset( ). ENDIF. ..
This would have been the logic for OData V1.
Further down the exception is triggered when it doesn't like the 1:N multiplicity.
ELSE. . " 3. "nav":{ - inline entry IF ld_nav_property->multiplicity = /IWCOR/if_DS_edm=>gc_multiplicity_many. RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE cx_sxml_parse_error EXPORTING xml_offset = io_reader->get_byte_offset( ). ENDIF.
Has anyone else come across this, is there a workaround or pending fix.
John P
UPDATE: Just found Note 1751991 - OData Channel - Deep Insert in JSON Format Leads to Error which looks like it addresses this issue.