Hi There,
I am trying to extend Timesheet application using Odata extensions to hook some validations around start/end time/duration fields.
Now to begin i wanted to ensure a custom Odata services can be actually called from my Fiori application. So steps i followed
1) Create a new project in SEGW and select Redefine Odata, selected SRA002_TIMESHEET and created
2) Since wanted to see this working... i DID NOT implement any method.. I generates the project and registered in system. All successfully generated and registered
Question: Do we HAVE to implement at least one method for OData extension to work?
3) Create a Fiori extension project on Eclipse and on assign custom Odata. This is again skeleton project and i just changed a label to see this working.
Question: Master Collection should be the same as Standard Application MasterCollection.. or we need to use a new one?
4) I create required Fiori launchpad entries to add to user launchpad. and i can launch application. But... the it does not like the OData change.
5) Error Logs: does not releave much.. apart from the fact that .. request Url seems to be all over..
Any help will be appreciated !!
Thanks a lot.