- 26.11.2014
- added SAP Note 2038379 as a prerequisite
- added link to constraints
Please be aware of the constraings listed in SAP Help.
In this How-To Guide we want to describe how to consume the Odata sample service from http://services.odata.org/ that supports read write access.
Since SAP NetWeaver Gateway does not support V3 of OData we will use the V2 version of this service. The service document of the V2 version is accessible via this link
- This scenario has to be implemented on a Gateway Server where also the AddOn IW_BEP is deployed or on a Gateway Server running on SAP NetWeaver 7.40.
The reason is that the Odata Lib that is part of the hub components is needed for consumption of the 3rd party OData service. This prerequisite is automatically fulfilled by a SAP Netweaver 7.40 SP2 and higher system since the software component SAP_GWFND contains the functionalities of IW_FND, GW_CORE and IW_BEP. - This scenario needs to run on SAP NetWeaver Gateway 2.0 SP6 or higher or SAP NetWeaver 7.40 SP2 or higher
- You have to apply SAP Note 2038379
Let's start with the configuration on SAP NetWeaver Gateway:
Step 1: Create an RFC destination
We first have to create a RFC destination of type G with the following technical settings:
Target Host: services.odata.org
In our example this RFC destination is called ODATAORG.
Please note that you might have to configure a proxy server.
Step 2: Create a System Alias
Now we have to create a System Alias that will be using the above created RFC destination. We call this System Alias OCI_NORTH and configure it such that the flags "Local GW" and "For Local App" are activated.
Step 3: Generate OData Service in SAP NetWeaver Gateway
On a SP6 system you have to run transaction /IWBEP/OCI_SRV_GEN.
Service Namespace = V2/(S(xuh52ptttgitgrkbtjzk1o31))/OData/
Service Name = OData.svc
and acitvate the check box "Configure Gateway Model and Service".
Choose appropriate names for MPC, DPC, Model and Service and a package (here $TMP)
This registers the service in the backend (which is identical with the hub system).
Step 5: Activate Service using /IWFND/MAINT_SERVICE
We register the service in the hub and choose the Technical Service Name ZOSCI_RW_TEST_SRV and register it for the System Alias OCI_NORTH.
Step 6: Test the service
We can now test the service using the Gateway Client /IWFND/GW_CLIENT. You can simply press the push button GATEWAY CLIENT in the Activate and Maintain Service transcation.
We enter the following URI in the Gateway Client
and then press the push button "Use as request".
Now change the URI to
and the HTTP method to
and change the values for
ID from "0" to "1000"
Name from "Bread" to "Toast"
and press Execute.
The HTTP status code 201 indicates that a new entry has been created in the collection "Products" and the created entry is shown in the HTTP response window.
You can now verify it also in a new browser window: