Hi Guys!
I am tried install to Add-on IW_BEP on SAP ERP 6.0 Ehp6 and I have this error on Saint: Error message: OCS Package SAPK-200AGINIWBEP, tp step "A", return code 0008
I verified the STMS request and is showing the error:
Table /IWBEP/D_MGW_SUB could not be activated
(E- index 010 e 1 to table /IWBEP/D_MGW_SUB have identical fields)
Table /IWBEP/I_MGW_SRH could not be activated
(E- index /IWBEP/I_MGW_SRH-SVC (field NAMESPACE does not exist in table) )
When I tried run the SAINT in phase import_proper I have this error:
Error during executing the tp command 'tp IMPORT all ECP ...'
tp return code: '0008' , tp message: 'A tool used by tp produced errors' , tp output:
This is tp version 380.13.51 (release 721, unicode enabled)
ERROR: stopping on error 8 during DD ACTIVATION
stopping on error 8 during DD ACTIVATION
tp returncode summary:
TOOLS: Highest return code of single steps was: 8
WARNS: Highest tp internal warning was: 0118
standard output from tp and from tools called by tp:
How Can I resolve this issue in stms request? I tried active the table by SE14 I can't ...
Daniel Berto Santana