This note contains known issues and constraints for SAP Mobile Platform Tools 1.0 release
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Constraints, Notes, Known Issues,SMP, SAP Release Train for Eclipse,Release notes, release information, OData Modeler, SAP Mobile Platform Tools
Reason and Prerequisites
Constraints note for SAP Mobile Platform Tools 1.0 release
OData Modeler
• Even if the OData file is read-only, the OData Model Editor does not stop the user from making changes to it. Only while attempting to save the file it shows the error in logs and the updates are not saved
API toolkit for SAP Mobile Platform
• Binding is currently not supported for “Function Imports”
• The mapping editor only loads the OData model structure when the mapping is initially created. If the model changes later it does not show the updates in mapping editor. To see the latest OData Model in mapping editor, user needs to explicitly invoke “Generate EDMX” using the context menu on the .odatasrv file
• The destination for SOAP services needs to be configured in the developer tool only. Unlike other data sources it is not currently supported in the Gateway Management cockpit
• In general, all the constraints of platform runtime are by default also inherited by developer tools
HANA Cloud Integration Mapping Editor constraints:
• If a proper element and schema definition is missing in the WSDL, Mapping editor will fail to parse such a WSDL. Currently the following restrictions exist.
• As the message mapping always expect an element definition as per the XML schema standard for display of the structure of source and target message, it is important that the WSDL Messages refer to a global element in the associated schema definition in the WSDL file.
• So a Document/literal-style message that formats its body according to a schema, that is included in the WSDL is preferred.
• WSDL with RPC style Messages, without the associated schema is not be supported.
• Multi-part WSDLs:- When the message definition contains multiple parts, the WSDL may not have a single global element representing the complete structure of the input/output message expected by the operation. So the Mapping editor will not be able to display a single message structure with a single root element. Only individual elements referred by each part will be available for mapping.
<wsdl:message name="POMessage">
<wsdl:part name="po" element="tns:PO" />
<wsdl:part name="invoice" element="tns:Invoice" />
• Message Parts with reference to type rather than element:- Mapping expects a global element to be present in the WSDL, when such an element is missing and the message directly refers to the type, mapping will not be possibe
<wsdl:message name="POMessage">
<wsdl:part name="po" type="tns:POType" />
• A WSDL with its definition spread across multiple files:- It is possible to have the definition of a Web service spread across multiple files.
• Currently, the Mapping editor expects the completed definition of WSDL to be in a single file. If not, it will fail to resolve the types and will not detect the structures available in other files and included via the ‘import’ or 'include' construct.