Dear All Gurus,
I need your expert advice on solving below matter since I was unable to find an exact solution yet.
I have created an oData Service for fully cusomized app in fiori.
Requirement : Purchase order Creation
Entity Typres :
Header (PK : PONumber)
LineItems (PK : PONumber)
PricingConditions (PK : PONumber)
Header---------(1....n)-------LineItems (navigation name : PO_Navigation)
LineItems--------(1....n)-------PricingConditions (navigation name : POCOND_NAVI)
need help on coding section in Create Deep Entity.
My Coding is below in that section and I am able to get header and LineItems details but not PricingConditions.
TYPES: tt_items TYPE TABLE OF ZCL_ZPO_MPC_EXT=>TS_PO_ITEM WITH DEFAULT KEY. TYPES: BEGIN OF ts_purchaseorder_items.. INCLUDE TYPE ZCL_ZPO_MPC_EXT=> TS_PO_HEADER. " This is in the MPC EXT cleass TYPES: PO_Navigation TYPE tt_items, " END OF ts_conditions.
Can you please help on this......