I have been trying to follow the document How to Set up your SAP River RDE on HANA Cloud for being able to use our on premise Gateway Services on the SAP River RDE online development tool. Unfortunately I am not able to successfully access the service and am looking for help from those who have been successful.
Currently, when I try to create a new project using SAP Fiori Template application trying to select my service catalog I am getting an error message saying "Error: Unable to access the selected system. Check your credentials and try again."
So we looked at what is happening behind the scenes. Looks like at this time, the River RDE makes a call to the following URL. This URL returns with a 403 (Forbidden) response. Looking at the details behind the response, we see a message “Target Service not allowed”.
While trying to retrieve the URL: https://rde-s000xxxxxxxtrial.dispatcher.hanatrial.ondemand.com/destinations/CD1_odata/IWFND/CATALOGSERVICE/$metadata
Error message: Target service not allowed
Your cache administrator is: s.eck@sap.com
When I look at my local system, I am able to get a valid response from the corresponding URL using the supplied credentials.
I am not sure where to begin debugging this? Is there some way to test the connection setup in hanatrial-ondemand via the Hana Cloud connector?